My life is filled with joy.
I begin this day with a joyful heart, filled with positive expectancy. I experience joy in many ways–seeing a child at play, feeling the love of a pet, talking with a friend on the telephone.
If challenges come my way, I do what I must, without worry or drama. I appreciate the life I have been given and the opportunities that arise. I give to others in loving service and strive to be a positive influence on the world around me.
Joy does not come from outside of me; it emanates from Spirit within. It reflects the choices I make, moment to moment. As I end my day, I give thanks for manifest blessings. My life is filled with joy.
—Daily Word, Thursday February 2, 2012
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I have said these things to you so that my joy may be in you, and that your joy may be complete.
—John 15:11
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Angelic Reiki Blessings in Love and Light
Gigi B. Reiki Master/Teacher